One of the best parts about being back in the US for 3 weeks was the opportunity to see my boys. They're still my boys even though they're all men now, taller than me (which isn't saying much), and scruffy with 3-day beards. I still like to pinch their cheeks.

I was staying at my mom's house in a room with 2 single beds. When #3 son arrived, he slept in the other single bed in my room and we stayed up till 2:00 in the morning talking just like teenagers at a slumber party. It was so nice that we did it again the next night. Then he had to go back to Portland and my #4 son arrived, who shared my room for the next 2 mights. Again, we stayed up till 3:00 a.m. having heart to heart talks, laughing, crying, and catching up. There's something about lying there in the dark late at night that fosters special conversations that would never happen in the light of day.
My sleepovers with #3 and #4 were so much fun that I thought it was only fair to invite #1 and #2 as well.

They actually live in the same town as my mom and have houses a few miles away, but I wanted them to sleep in my room one night for a slumber party. They're pretty good about indulging me and tolerating my wacky ideas, so they grudgingly agreed to come on Thursday and Saturday respectively. (I think their girlfriends helped convince them that they needed to go humor their mother for just one night) On Thursday, #1 son and I talked until 4:00 a.m. which he doesn't even consider very late because he works nights and sleeps days. We always called him a vampire. Then on Saturday night, #2 son had to acquiesce at about 2:45, admitting that I'd outlasted him. Ha. I'm 49 and I outlasted this 24 year old kid!

During those dark hours, I learned lots of things about their lives. I learned that one of them thinks that being a stay-at-home dad would be the greatest job in the world. I learned that two of them would like to join the Peace Corps. I learned that one of them is more subdued than I remember. I learned that one of them is more sensitive to his brothers than I imagined. I learned about their feelings towards painful experiences in their past. I learned about their frustrations and their aspirations. I learned what fine young men they all are, even though I already knew that.

Having sleepovers with my boys turned out to be magical experiences and one of the highlight of my trip.
Watch out boys, I think I might make it a tradition!
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