We awoke early - not to open presents (there weren't any to open), but to get to the airport for our flight to Sydney. We actually got there too early which was fortuitous because it gave us time to get the visas that U.S. passport holders need for travelling to Australia. What? I had no idea we needed visas!?! New Zealanders don't need visas to enter Australia, but I guess Americans do. Fortunately, we can do this at the airport. All is sorted. Phew.

The three hour flight was uneventful. I think I was expecting a little something special since it was Christmas Day ... perhaps the flight attendants would be wearing Santa hats or something? But no. We had a great view of Sydney Harbour as we landed, though!
Arriving in downtown Sydney was like walking into a ghost town.

The whole city was eerily silent. After checking in at the hotel, we eventually made our way to the more touristy waterfront area called Circular Quay where there were a few places open, but the commercial center of the city was definitely deserted. It looked like some post-apocalyptic scenario where the entire population has bizarrely died, and left behind block after block of abandoned skyscrapers and mile after mile of deserted streets. Spooky.
Of course it is Christmas Day, after all, and it makes perfect sense that everyone in this city (except us) was home with their loved ones eating a big ham dinner and Christmas cake. I'm still feeling a little down about Christmas - mostly about not having any family around, but also about the lack of cards and presents. It just doesn't feel right. So I think coming to Sydney was a great idea because I'm hoping it will prevent me from becoming too sad about Christmas.
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