Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Megan's New Job at Dio

Here I go again. I'm starting a new job on Monday and I sure hope it goes better than the last job! I really don't think there will be a problem, considering I will be working as a school librarian at Diocesan School for Girls, a wealthy private school. Somehow, I don't expect these girls are likely to throw chairs through the window like what happened at my last school.

After I returned from the States, I applied for 4 jobs and went to 5 interviews and eventually got the job at "Dio" as they call it. One of the positions I applied for was at a public library, but I was worried it would include evenings and weekends, so I'm glad I'll be at a school library instead.

Dio is an Anglican school for 1500 girls from ages 5-18 and their parents pay thousands of dollars each year for them to attend. The girls all wear uniforms (of course) and the school recently began issuing each girl a laptop too. As you can imagine, they are far more technologically advanced than my previous school which didn't have internet or networking or a full computer lab.

In addition, this school has 5 librarians. I was attracted to the notion of being part of a team of librarians, rather than being the ONLY librarian at a school where I would be expected to know how to do everything ... because (I know you'll find this hard to believe) I don't always know everything. So this way, I can learn all about being a school librarian by working with the other ladies, and eventually I could go run my own school library if I want. Plus librarians don't have to grade papers or write report cards or plan lessons. Yea! And I'll be surrounded by books all day. Ahhh. Heavenly.

It's a bit of a relief to have a job again, although I've thoroughly enjoyed my 6 weeks of unemployment. I loved to sleep in and loll around doing nothing. But I knew I'd get bored eventually so I guess it's a good thing that I got a job. After being the cook for the last 5 years, Curt was starting to like having me home too, because I would have a hot meal waiting for him every night. But we wouldn't want him to get spoiled.

The only downside might be the commute. Dio is located in the center of Auckland, not far from Curt's work and we live in a western suburb about 11 kilometers away. But the traffic during rush hour is so slow that he prefers to ride a bike. I'm not sure what I'll do. I think he should put a seat on the back of his bike and give me a ride into town every day.


Anonymous said...

congratulations, marm. this sounds like the perfect job for you.

Internet Street Philosopher said...

That's a blessing, being a school librarian! Enjoy!