I didn't want Curt to be in the car when I drove because I wanted to concentrate fully on the road. (And because he used to gasp/yell/swear when I was backing the VW out of our steep driveway in Portland.) So today, while he was taking the train downtown for an interview with the recruiter, I had a chance to try driving for the first time.
I only went on the wrong side of the road once ... and that was in a car park (parking lot) so it hardly counts. :)
My biggest problem is the blinker which is positioned on the right, and I am used to it being on the left. As a consequence, whenever I'm getting ready to turn, I reach left, and end up activating the wiper instead! I must have the cleanest windscreen (windshield) in town by now.
On my way to the store and back, I successfully negotiated 4 roundabouts.
I even got on the motorway to try it out, and made it back home safely.
But I'll definitely need more practice! I'm not used to where the mirrors are yet. And it's still tricky trying to judge where the nose of the car is when I'm pulling into a parking space.
Overall, I was pretty pleased with myself. (insert smug smile here)
As we used to say at the end of a successful road trip: Nobody died and nobody threw up.
P.S. - Curt's interview went GREAT. They loved him (naturally) and are setting him up for an interview with the engineering company next.
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